Papers Published in Journals
Name of the Journal | Name of the Paper | Author |
Productivity | Liberalised Growth in Indian Agriculture – NAP 2000 and beyond | Prof. C.S. Sundresan |
Agriculture Today | Demand driven Agriculture – Market imperatives in the Value chains | Prof. C.S. Sundresan |
“ Bank Quest” Journal of Indian Institute of Banking & Finance | “Feasibility of Business Correspondent & Business Facilitator model for Financial Inclusion in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India” | Dr. Prasun Kumar Das |
“Sa-Dhan Patrika” Published by Sa-Dhan, New Delhi | “Role of supply side to build the human resources for the booming microfinance sector” | Dr. Prasun Kumar Das |
Indian Journal of Fertilisers | Role of Human Resource Development in improving Agriculture Productivity | Dr.L.K.Vaswani |
Srusti Management Research Journal | Effective Research in the Social Marketing Process – An Approach for Behavioral Change | Prof. Prasanta Parida |
KIIT Research Journal | Experimental Methods of Marketing Research for better Business Insights | Prof. Prasanta Parida |
KIIT Research Journal, ISSN 0976-920X 2010 | Embodied Social and Methodological Issues in Small Business Management: Developing Grassroots Entrepreneurship Agendas in Orissa, India | Dr. Jyotirmayee Acharya |
Artha Vijnana | Vulnerability of Households to Disaster Risks: Evidence from Rural India | Dr. Unmesh Patnaik |
Journal for Social Work and Social Development | Institutional Design for Livelihood Promotion | Dr. Braja Sundar Mishra |
Research Journal of Arts, management and Social Sciences | Emerging Migration Issues Specially for the Tribal Adolescents – A Study in Tribal Block of Odisha | Prof. Prasanta Parida |
Journal of Education, Administration & Policy Studies (Academic Journals); Vol. 2(3): 19-22. | “Upscaling Technology to Build Inclusive Financial Systems in India”. | Dr. Prasun Kumar Das |
“Enterprise Development & Microfinance-an international journal” published by Practical Action Publishing House, UK. | “Towards Corporate Governance of Microfinance Institutions in India”. | Dr. Prasun Kumar Das |
“Savings & Development” an International Journal published by University of Bergamo, Turin, Italy. | “Financial Inclusion in Central India”. | Dr. Prasun Kumar Das |
OECD Environment Working Papers | Flood Risks, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Benefits in Mumbai: An Initial Assessment of Socio-Economic Consequences of Present and Climate Change Induced Flood Risks and of Possible Adaptation Options | Dr. Unmesh Patnaik |
International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters | Disaster Risk Financing and Poverty Traps for Poor Households: Realities in Northern India | Dr. Unmesh Patnaik |
Papers presented in the conferences
Name of the Research Paper | Name of the Conference | Place | Person |
Agri Business Education and HRD – Indian Context | ICAR-USDA-FICCI-NCAP Workshop | NSAC Complex, PUSA, New Delhi | Prof. L.K. Vaswani |
“Impact of WTO on Rural Banking & Micro Finance”. | National Seminar on WTO & Trade Negotiations organised by Ministry of Human Resources , New Delhi | Oriental Institute of Management, Mumbai | Prof. Prasun Kumar Das |
Challenges in Utopian Inclusive Growth | UGC sponsored seminar on Inclusive Growth : India in Global Perspective | Kolkata | Dr. Braja Sundar Mishra |
Growth Eludes Rural Labour in Neo – Liberal India | Rural Labour in Neo – Liberal India | XIMB, Bhubaneswar | Dr. Braja Sundar Mishra |
Experimental Methods in Market Research for Business Insight | International Conference on Business & Economics | KIIT University | Prof. Prasant Parida |
Change in Behaviour and Communication in reducing HIV in Africa | ICDCM | Xavier Institute of Management | Prof. Prasant Parida |
EMERGING MIGRATION ISSUES SPECIALLY FOR THE TRIBAL ADOLESCENTS – A STUDY IN TRIBAL BLOCKS OF ORISSA | International Conference on Life Skills for Inclusive Education | RGNYD,Chennai | Prof. Prasant Parida |
ENHANCING TOURISM MANAGEMENT SERVICES THROUGH SOCIAL MARKETING | 5th International Conference on Services Management | IIMT, Gurgaon, India | Prof. Prasant Parida |
Impact of a franchise model on perceptions of service quality and satisfaction at health care facilities in India | KBSCMR International Research Conference | Kohinoor Management and Research Institute, Mumbai | Prof. Prasant Parida |
Management of Production / Market Risks in Agriculture | National Workshop on Changing Farmer’s Risk Environment | Hyderabad | Prof. L. K. Vaswani |
“Leveraging Microfinance as an Improvised Tool for Up-Scaling Accessibility to Financial Products & Services in the Hinterland of India” | “International Conference on Microfinance” | Pfeiffer University at Charlotte, North Carolina, USA | Dr. Prasun Kumar Das |
New Horizons of Co-operative Innovations | ICA AP Research Committee Conference 02 | Beijing, China | Dr. L.K. Vaswani |
Vulnerability of Households to Disasters: An Analysis from Disaster Prone Region in India | Human Security and Climate Change | Norway | Dr. Unmesh Patnaik |
”Global Financial Meltdown and its impact on Indian Financial System-A diagnostic study” | 17 th International Business Conference | University of South Dakota, Aberdeen, USA | Dr. Prasun Kumar Das |
EFFECTIVENESS OF SOCIAL MARKETING ON BEHAVIOURALCHANGE AMONG YOUNG ADULTS WHILE DISTRACTED DRIVING | The 2nd World Non-Profit & Social Marketing Conference,. | Dublin, Ireland | Prof. Prasant Parida |